
Writers and Readers Group Starting

Gaining interest in a writers and readers group.

If you're writer of fiction (short or long), or interesting nonfiction, and want a solid group of peers to critique your work, this is the place. Test your work on willing readers and celebrate your victories with all of us.

If you're a reader, this is the place to read new work and help shape what will be in print tomorrow.

Flexible meeting dates, currently looking at every other Wednesday (evening).

Writers: e-mail your writing preferences and a writing sample to bookaday@gmail.com. Readers: e-mail your reading preferences and why you want to be a part of this group to bookaday@gmail.com.

While this group will physically meet in Chicago, online participants are also welcome. E-mail and we'll work out the details.

If agreed upon by writers and readers, reviews of completed work can be posted in the Reviews section of BookADay.

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