
Big Blue Marries The Teacher

In the world of interesting mergers, IBM merged with Pearson Education.  Before Apple took over, IBM used to be the king of education.  I remember a Big Blue machine in my elementary school classroom.  Who cared that it was slow and ran on a floppy?  Technology in action.  Pearson education is one of the largest educational publishers.  Sounds like this merger is the first news in what will be a series of announcements that Big Blue is back in the game.

My husband just finished  Audrey Niffenegger's The Time Traveler's Wife.  I'm paraphrasing, and may have the quote wrong, but he said that it was a fifteen tissue book.  A sentiment I agree with--Niffenegger kept the surprises going until the very end.  I've invited him to review it for BookADay. 

Speaking of reviews, I'm about to add a new section, entitled Reviews.  My plan is to keep a record of all the reviews posted so it is searchable.  If you have a book you'd like to review, let me know.  I'd be happy to hear and post the reviews of others.

Currently Reading:

Good as Gold.  Joseph Heller.  Dell Publishing  (1976). 53/447.

Just Finished:

The Lovely Bones.  Alice Sebold.  Little, Brown and Company. 328 pages.

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