
Two Eulogies: Hunter S. Thompson and Arthur Miller

Voices of two generations have passed away. Both Hunter S. Thompson and Arthur Miller have met with their fates.

Hunter S. Thompson killed himself and was found at 6pm Feb 20th. The NY Times wrote a nice article. I didn't always agree with or like his writing. I respect him for what he has done for journalism and for writing. Whether or not you agree with the man, he did a lot for all of us as writers. I cut my teeth in journalism and appreciated the path he laid out for all the journalists like myself who came after him.

Arthur Miller passed away last week. Reuters wrote a good eulogy. He gave voice to the alienation that many Jews, as well as immigrant and second generation Americans, felt. He did it in a way that was heartbreaking and stunning. All My Sons, Death of a Salesman, The Crucible, all works of literature that captured America and took character drama to a new level.

I'll miss them both.

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