
New Reading Style

It's been awhile since I've been back in school. I decided to return earlier this year. Next week, I start my first class: Human Biology. This will be the first of a year's worth of online classes I complete. I like the idea of online classes because that way I can go to class and study on my own time, as opposed to during the day, when my employer likes me in the office. I still have to go into school for exams and lab days, but that's not quite so bad.

I received the books in the mail earlier this week. I downloaded the syllabus, so I figured that I might as well get ahead. I began reading. The textbook, Human Biology by Sylvia Mader, is clear and concise.

I changed my reading style. Under normal circumstances, I'm not a skimmer; however, I looked at the course objectives. My instructor gave the class a comprehensive question list for each unit. My first read is specifically to answer these questions. I'm not spending my time concentrating on the interesting, but not necessary, factoids. Straight to what I need to know. Even with the skimming, the first quarter of the first chapter took me an hour to read and take notes on. With three chapters a week, that's a lot of reading time. I'm going to see if this modification works on the first test. I'll report back.

Yesterday's Reads:
Plan of Attack, Bob Woodward. Page 81.
Human Biology, Sylvia Mader. Page 24.

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